180 Church Update

Doral Middle School
5005 NW 112th Ave
Doral, FL 33178

Services: English 10:00 AM
Spanish 11:30 AM

Our Website: 180church.net

This week at 180 Church a new series on Parenthood.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

After 4 children of my own who are all now all adults, and 5 Grand Children, I should be an expert on parenting right? Wrong! The truth is no matter how long you have been a parent, or how much you think you know about parenting, we all need to be reminded of what is the real purpose and priority of parenting.

God said that Children are a blessing from Him, yet so many of us struggle in this area. School did not help. Our parents may or may not have been the right examples, either way, it is up to what we do as parents that can make a difference for generations to come.

Come for the next 4 weeks and learn what God has to say about this most important part of our life. We have several meetings times for your consideration. We meet at:

Doral Middle School
5005 NW 112th Ave
10:00 AM English
11:30 AM Spanish

Or you can go to www.180church.net.

Come and enjoy great contemporary Worship, a friendly environment, and a place where you can be you.

See you on Sunday,

Pastor Igor

University of Miami Hospital

Monday, August 3, 2009

I suppose if you are going to need surgery, might as well get it done with one of the best. Not just that, it should also be a representation of your sports team... why not?

On September 3rd I will be having my surgery. It may be earlier than that if there are any cancellations. For now this is the date.

One of things I'm learning through this experince, is the true value of relationships. People have so much potential to impact your life. What scripture states is true. When we are connected together and really love each other, we celebrate with those who celebrate and hurt with those that hurt (my personal version).

Thank you all for your prayers and support, and go CANES!



Putting things in perspective

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The news came in at around 10:00 AM this past Tuesday, July 28th, 2009. It was totally unexpected, since we had received earlier results showing the test had been negative. So needless to say, this was not what anyone expected.

For the first time in my life I heard the words most people fear they would hear... you have cancer. The disease I have been so involved in fighting, through the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life, had now invaded my body.

The Doctor very carefully explain the results and my options. He also gave us information and several days to think about what to do next. Here are some specifics you may want to know in case you are curious:

1. On a scale form 1-10, I'm in the 6 range.

2. The recommended treatment is either radiation or a Radical Prostectomy.

3. I'm in no pain, only some discomfort right now.

Grecy and I have considered all our options and have decided to go with the Prostectomy. I will have an DR's appointment on Monday at 8:30 am to start the planning process.

I want to thank all my friends and family who are activelly praying for me and my family. It is because of your prayers and love that I we find strength knowing that God is the ultimate healer and is the one who is in control.

I will write more as things develop. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this blog and for your continued prayers.

Tomorrow we kick off 180 Church new service time and location. It would be an honor to see many of you come out and support us. The details are posted on this blog. I consider it a privilege to be able to serve my Lord in this capacity. We have many seats available now to be able to make a bigger difference in the Doral/Miami area.

Blessings to you all,


Doral Middle School Beautification Project

Saturday, July 25, 2009

This week was an incredibly busy week for me. 180 Church hosted the First Baptist Church of San Antonio Chapel Singers here in Doral. They came to help two church planters in the area. 180 Church was selected as the benefactors of this great group of young men and women under the leadership of their Music Pastor Steve Carrol.

Steve led this group in working at our new site at Doral Middle with a landscape beautification project. They invested over $2,000 on the project as well as working 4 days under this hot S. Florida weather. Additionally, they did more than plant trees, they were extremely sensitive to the church administration as they serve. As a result, they made a huge impact for Christ in each and everyone they came in contact with. We will reap these benefits of their labor for years to come.

In addition, The City of Doral, with the help from Councilman Robert Van Name and Eric Carpenter agreed to use One of their Subcontractors to make all 22 holes to plant the Fox Tail Palm Trees. Without the assistance of Villa and Sons it would have been impossible to complete this project. Thank you all for your participation.

I will post the final pictures for all to see in my next post.

I hope you can attend our first service here at out new home.

Doral Middle School.
5005 NW 112Th Ave
10:00 AM English
11:30 AM Spanish

Blessings to all,


180 Church New Location

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Grecy and I are so excited for our new 180 Church home at Doral Middle School. Yes, we will be there starting on:

Sunday, August 2, 2009
service times are: 10:00 AM (English), and 11:30 AM (Spanish).

Doral Middle School is located at
5000 NW 112th Ave. in Doral.

One of things I have found out through this journey of starting 180 Church is that God's way are always perfect. While some of us (me), may take a longer road to get there, eventually we get there... one way or another.

Just a week ago the principal at the school allowed me to post these signs. I'm grateful to God for His provision and the opportunity to begin this new ministry here in Doral. I went by the school yesterday and noticed all the work they are doing to make the place look nice. The Stage looks great and so does all the floors. In addition, we are doing a landscape beautification project this week to spice up the entry. The church purchased 30 Foxtail palm trees, shrubs, sod, and mulch for this effort. The City of Doral has agreed to help with making the holes on the property. A group of students from First Baptist Church of San Antonio will be here working all week in this project. First Baptist San Antonio has been gracious enough to fund this entire project.

It reminds me of this great verse:

Matthew 6:33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

If you like to come by and check it out, it will be an honor to have you visit with us. If you are already plugged in at your church, that's where you need to be.

Looking forward to what lies ahead,


Update, Update, update!!!!!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

The questions is, what is not happening in our lives lately? Lots of stuff to report:

1. First, we are getting ready to go on vacation. I'm so excited for that, and so is everyone who is going on the trip. Grecy, Jacob, Ashley and baby Darwincito. We are traveling to Argentina and Uruguay. We are so ready for this trip. Lots to do, many plans to recharge and disconnect.

2. Ministry is been difficult lately, but I have seen God's hand more than ever. Doing a series on fearlessness, I think it is intended more for me than for those who are listening. It uses Old Testament characters to explain God's faithfulness and the bravery of those who trust him in very difficult circumstances. This week I'm in the book of Daniel speaking about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendigo found in Daniel 3. When we return from vacation, we have some great things in store for the church. More news to come in July... stay tune.

I'm planning to restart my blogging efforts, after a long break. I have a lot to say and dream about these days. God has been so faithful and always so good. His faithfulness never ceases to amaze me. I'm eternally grateful to Him for the opportunities He gives me each day.

Come check us out this week at 180 Church. Click here for more details.

Hope to continue to catch up with all of you again real soon.


This Year's Doral Relay for Life

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Well, after many months of planning, the Doral Relay for Life event is now offically history. As the first year Event Chair, this year's event was a huge blessings for me.

I got the opportunity to work so many great people, who love to give their time and talents to making a difference. I have learned so much from so many people, and now I get to start all over again and do it one more time.

All the numbers are not in yet, but to date we have collected around $105,000 and counting. I want to thank all the volunteers who cam out and helped. A big shout out to my committee, who worked so hard for over six months to make this happen.

The 180 Church team came out and participated by having their own tent and selling pork sandwiches, arroz con leche, tamales (my dad made them), water and soft drinks. We raised over $1,600... great job!

If you want to be considered on the committee or qwould like to start your own team, drop me a note at igalonso@comcast.net.

More pics to come in the near future.



No Cafe con leche here

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

If Cuban food was so bad for you and fatning, why are so many people here in Green Bay obese? Well, so much for that theory.

nyways, it is cold, cloudy, wet and ugly here today. This reminds me why I'm a tropical kind of guy. That's why I like coming to places like this so that I can be more appreciative of where I do live.

Which reminds me, don't we do that with people and things too?

Just a thought!

Can't wait to get back to the crazyness of S. FL and my darling wife!

I miss you more than I miss the weather!

Enjoy the rain if you are in South Florida, it's not too bad!

To Blog or not to Blog, that is the question.

Monday, April 20, 2009

It's been right around 4 1/2 month since my last blog. I had one persone who asked, why have yo not blog anymore? Well, that leads me to this special blog on this April 20th, 2009.

I'll make it short and to the point. I have just not fealt like writing lately. That simple.

Regardless of the reason, I'm back now and do plan to continue to blog from time to time. I willing to make a daily, weekly or monthly committment, but will blog more frequesnt than every 4 months.

So, for those of you who care, check from time to time and get an up to date status on what is happennig in my life... home, work, and ministry, all right here.

This week: Leaving toi Greenbay, WI today for business. I will be back Wednesday night just intime for the Doral Relay for Life event. Go here for details!

Stay tune for more.

Blessings to you all,


Welcoming the New year

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year! Well, 09 is finally here. With it comes an opportunity to look fresh at things and plan for what we want to accomplish that perhaps we have been wrestling with for months or years. That's one of the things that is great about the New Year.

For me, since I'm always looking into what is next, it is just one more reason to take a closer look at my life and ask myself: where do I see myself at the end of the year?

I have definitely experienced many changes this year... a new job, new ministry, new friends, and a reestablishing of old ones. Through it all two things I value most have been constant:

#1. My Family. The relationship with my wife Grecy of 24 years is the most precious to me. Seeing my young adult kids deal with life's decisions and being there to assist them is also a huge blessing; even when it is through difficult situations.

#2. My relationship with my Lord. He has been my true source of strenght and wisdom every step of the way, so many times. I need Him every day to help me keep things in perspective and to make decisions that honor Him. This year I want that experience to go to another level, and by doing that make a bigger difference in this world.

To remind me, I have selected these verses:

Psalm 139

1 O Lord, you have examined my heart
and know everything about me.
2 You know when I sit down or stand up.
You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
3 You see me when I travel
and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do.
4 You know what I am going to say
even before I say it, Lord.
5 You go before me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too great for me to understand!
7 I can never escape from your Spirit!
I can never get away from your presence!
8 If I go up to heaven, you are there;
if I go down to the grave,[a] you are there.
9 If I ride the wings of the morning,
if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
and your strength will support me.
11 I could ask the darkness to hide me
and the light around me to become night—
12 but even in darkness I cannot hide from you.
To you the night shines as bright as day.
Darkness and light are the same to you.

13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.

17 How precious are your thoughts about me,[b] O God.
They cannot be numbered!
18 I can’t even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!
And when I wake up,
you are still with me!

19 O God, if only you would destroy the wicked!
Get out of my life, you murderers!
20 They blaspheme you;
your enemies misuse your name.
21 O Lord, shouldn’t I hate those who hate you?
Shouldn’t I despise those who oppose you?
22 Yes, I hate them with total hatred,
for your enemies are my enemies.

23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

I want His presence to guide my every decision. How about you? This is the real way to have a Happy New year!

seaworld with 7

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Time sure goes by quickly doesn't it? Seven of us went to seaworld this Saturday for a time away from the normal day to day.

Along for the ride where three of my kids, igor, jon, and Ashley. Two grandkids, Eman and Darwin. A good friend of the family Silvia. And last but certainly not least, my wife Grecy.

Throughout the day it occurred to me that what was once routine, had now shifted to nothing less than a very rare time together.

I definately enjoyed the day and getting to be with each member of my family, recognizing how quickly things do change in life.

My goal for the day was accomplished: enjoy the day for all it had to offer, and that I did. My guess is there may be similar days to this, but done like it.

Thank you lord for change, it forces me to enjoy the moment!

Thanksgiving with who?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving it's a time to spend with people. It represents an opportunity to sit around the table and not only give thanks, but also share with others. I hope you are doing this today with those you call friends and family.

For me it is a very special Thanksgiving. For the first time in 9 years all of my kids are having Thanksgiving with us. I can't tell you how grateful I am for having them all together.

Igor who was just released from the Air Force and who was also awarded the Purple Heart this week, is here with us.

Jon who has been living on his own for about 5 years now is also joining us.

Ashley and Jacob who are still at home will be here to share the day with us as well.

Additionally, we have several friends and their families joining the festivities. Here's a rundown of all our guest:

1. Silvia and Jarek Pastor (friends) (2)
2. Concha and Pedro (In-laws) (2)
3. Roman and Mirjiam Iselin and there families (friends)(6)

All in all, we will have about 20 people over.

I'm thankful today for friends and family. I thank the Lord that we can take time to give thanks with the people we love.

Who are you spending time with today? It's not too late to invite some!

Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!

Kicking off a new 4 week series @ 180 church

Friday, October 24, 2008

This week we kick off a new series entitled: Vacio. (in English it means empty). Like an empty ball with no air, a glass with nothing to hold, a home with vacant rooms, our lives can feel empty even though we may be surrounded by many people.Over the next several weeks we will be discussing why we feel empty and how we can get filled so that we can be and do what God created us for. A ball has to have air to bounce, a glass has to filled with liquid to make itself useful, a house has to have people to make it a home, and you and I need God to be complete.

Come and be a part of what God is doing at 180 Church. We are a start up church meeting here in Doral. We Would love to have you as our guest!

I get to Do the Invocation tonight

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mayor's State Of The City Address



THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2008 7:00 PM


I got the call a few weeks ago to open up in prayer at this Year's City of Doral "State of the City Address". This is my first time getting this opportunity, I'm really excited to represent our new church on this platform.

I pray that God would use my 30 second prayer to make a difference in the lives of the leaders in this city. These are the folks who have influence and who can make a difference.

Thank you Lord for openning this door and allowing me to be your instrument.

You too can make a difference by getting involve and representing our Lord in whatever endeavor you are involve in.

I'm grateful to be taking the church to this community,


4 week update

Monday, October 13, 2008

Yes I know, I have been really bad about blogging lately. It is not because I have nothing to write about or that there is nothing happening in my life worth blogging, I just needed a break from the routine of blogging for the sake of saying... there you go, I have blog today. I know in the blog world, that is not cool.

Either way, here is my 4 week blog update.

The BIG announcement, we are co-pastoring, with Gaby and Karina Gil, a new church plant here in Doral. The name of the church is 180 Church. Currently it is a Spanish work, with hopes that eventually we would be a better representation of our community and go to some format of Bilingual (Spanish/English). We are still uncertain of what that would look like, but I'm sure we will figure it out.

We have a location we are renting at 1900 NW 84th Ave in Doral. We are meeting every Sunday at 11:00am. This weekend, in only our second week, we had 50 in attendance. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 786.394.3686. We are excited about reaching this community for Christ.

We have several Starbucks events scheduled for November and December. We are praying and believing to grow to 200 people by the end of the year. Our vision states our purpose clearly, and it is:

"Leading people to redirect their lives towards Christ"

"Dirigiendo a las personas a un cambio hacia Cristo"

In case your wondering, what's in the name? We wanted a name that could be translated without a translation. So, we came up with a number. The number 180 indicates a change of direction, that's what we want people to experience... a life redirected towards Christ.

Until next time, God's best!


3 weeks in review

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Well, it's been quit busy for me lately.

First of all, let me just update you on my job situation. It is fast moving, complex, and in some ways fun. almost everything is done via email and conference calls. Meetings are led by folks in other parts of the country or city, often times with a Power Point presentation or Web Base Excel Sheet. Lots of numbers, strategies and confusing acronyms.

One of the interesting things I have discover is that everything has been abbreviated to shorten the words that are used in a conversations. It also makes you sound smarter when you use this acronyms and no one else knows what you are talking about.

In fact I just tried this on a couple of people, and like I expected, it work really well. I used the acronym "HDL" in a text and the answer was: what is HDL? I knew I had them! In case you want to know it stands for "honey Do List". Fell free to use it.

This week I spent the week traveling to Orlando, Tampa, and FT. Myers before coming back on Thursday night. I was glad to be back home.

On another note, my son Igor and grandson Eman will be here on Tuesday. They are moving down and will make S. Florida their home. It's a long story, one that I'm not prepare to discuss at this point. I have lots of feelings and thoughts about this. I will share once I have been able to prayerfully take them through that process. For now, I would ask you to pray for them and us as we make the necessary adjustment. We are all ready and excited to have them here!

Lastly, here's where I am on the church thing. It's been a hard adjustment thus far. Frankly I thought it would be easier than it has been, but it hasn't. I know I'm a called man of God and that He is not done with me yet. I'm trying to make the transition the best I know how for others and myself. In my journal the other day I just wrote for God to help me to trust him every step along the way. He is doing that. I'm comforted! I look forward to the future and God leads.

Next week I travel to Minneapolis, MN for a 3 day sales meeting. I get to present in front of all the other VPs and Senior Staff. I look forward to the challenge and opportunity.

Question: How do you handle change? Do you resist or welcome it? Drop me a note.

Thanks for reading. Many blessings to you all out their.


Hispanics... who are they?

Friday, August 22, 2008

I just read this very interesting blog post by Juan Tornoe from Hispanic Trending. It basically points out the importance of online marketing to Hispanics and the differences that exist between Hispanics in different areas of our country.

For the church as an institution that needs to connect with the culture, what does this mean? Read the post and then write me your thoughts on this, i would love to read what you think.

why me?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Have you ever asked yourself that question? I have. When I do it is usually from the view point when something has not gone my way or when some unforeseen situation has rudely interrupted my life. If you are like most people, you know what I mean.

But what about for all the good stuff in our life? You know, the stuff that we get to enjoy even though we had nothing to do with it.

For example, one of those for me is just the privileged of living in this country... the good USA. While I know it is not perfect, I realize how bless i am for being a citizen of this great country. The main reason for my realization is the fact that here we have opportunities, plain and simple. And even though our economy is currently not the best it has been, I still get to enjoy the freedom and seek out opportunities for myself. What a country!

Last month while on our family vacation to Dominican Republic we visited with my daughter's sponsored child through world vision. World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

This picture represents the why me of this post. My grandson Darwin seen here with my daughter Ashley and her husband Darwin, and Pablo the sponsored boy from Neyba. My grandson born of a Dominican father and a Cuban American (American by birth of Cuban decent), and Pablo born to Dominican parents living in one of the poorest of areas in the DR. Why the disparities?

As I sat there with this family, it occurred to me that this could have been me and that somehow God delivered me from a similar environment many years ago when I lived in Cuba. God also whispered... Igor you are the answer to these people's future. What?

God wants to use each and everyone of us to bring hope to this generation. If you are not sure how and are overwhelmed with the challenge, welcome to the adventure of pursuing God. The cool thing is God always makes a way.

What is the one thing you would love to do for God but are too afraid, indifferent, or busy to try?

Jott.com does it again....

Monday, August 18, 2008

Jott.com does it again. This is a blog, a voice blog from my cell right to my blog. Pretty cool huh! For more information on how you 2 can do this, just go to Jott.com and follow the instructions. Hope you enjoy it. God bless. listen

Powered by Jott

Ronald Reagan/Doral Senior HS back to school BBQ

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Saturday's back to school BBQ was a huge success. An estimated attendance of over 2,000 parents and students were there to enjoy all the fun, food and live music.

The FRC Doral band rocked the house as well as provided many of the resources used to make the event happen. i.e. popcorn machine, snow cone machine, clowns, Cafe Pillon, A large BBQ, hot dogs and buns for 1,000 folks, Guitar Hero competition, gave away t-shirts and Starbucks gift cards. Total cost around $800, opportunity to influence the community... priceless.

The picture shows the school mascot (the bison) wearing a FRC Doral t-shirt... is that cool or what?

As a result of the effort, both our students and Spanish ministry had an all time high attendance. Way to go guys!

Our Student ministry had a Guitar Hero competition. Many students came by our student ministry table to compete and hang out. The winner had to attend the service on Sunday morning to collect his prize; a Nintendo DS.

It is really a big blessings to be able to partner with the school in this way. A big thanks to Principal Doug Rodriguez and the entire staff for allowing us to serve the community in this way.

A big thanks as well to the team who served at the event. You guys made it happened!


If given the opportunity to serve your community, what ideas do you have to make it a win win situation?

My Oldest son Igor is here in town visiting. It has been about 5 years since he comes down and spends time with us. That's him sitting at the end along with my wife Grecy at a Marlin's game. Yeah we are both bald!

It is really great to have him here. He has been helping with all of our activities... i.e. back to school picnic, set up at church and all the weekend stuff we are always so busy doing.

I'm really so proud of him in all that he has accomplished. He is a great father and husband, ad a hero for serving in Iraq. I love him dearly.

He will be moving down in October and here for a few more days looking for a full time job.

If you are looking for someone or know of a company that is, please drop me note and i will make sure he contacts them before he leaves.

Yesterday's outreach at the HS was outstanding. I'll post some pics and make some comments about my observation on my next soon tonight.

Have a great Sunday,


New series starts today @ a campus near you.

a BIG announcement...change

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Today Grecy and I came before the church and made the BIG announcement. Earlier in the week, on Tuesday evening to be exact, Pastor Troy had made the announcement during our quarterly leadership meeting. During the past week, I also had the chance to meet with several of our Doral leadership team members and discussed with them our decision. It was now time to let the rest of church know.

We came up at the end of each of the services to let everyone know we would be stepping down from the campus pastor role. I say we because even though I am the one on staff, the role of a pastor, has and will always be a couple role.

In case you are reading this post and have no idea what I'm talking about, let me just share it with you now.

I have accepted a job with a major health insurance company. I will be taking on my new role starting on August 25th, 2008. Going forward we will remain at the Doral Campus as one of the pastors there, helping with the transition and serving in several different areas on a volunteer basis.

We are very excited about this new opportunity God has extended to us. We look forward to what God has ahead for us and anticipate many continued blessings. I want to be very clear here, we will remain at the campus serving this community like we have been from the very start of the Doral Campus.

I ask you to join me in praying for the next Campus Pastor at Doral. God already knows who He is, we just need wisdom in choosing him.

I love you all and look forward to continuing to serve with you.


"building towards your God-Potential"

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Here are the final pictures of the Garcia project. We were all blessed to be able to be a part of this project. Thank you all for your participation, you all made a incredible difference by your involvement. I'm so proud to have served along side you. enjoy some of the pics.

Are you ready for the next one?

Great opportunity to learn from great leaders

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Leadership Summit '08

Leadership Summit from Flamingo Road Church on Vimeo.

Garcia's Project update

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

we just got back from vacation late last night. we had a great time getting away as the pictures show (see below). while we were gone, Pete and Mirna Melo, along with the FRC Doral team, continued to work on the Garcia's "building towards our God potential project".

I'm so proud of each of you who gave of your time and financial resources. You guys all went above and beyond what I ever expected. i'm honored and proud to do ministry with each of you. Read the melo's blog here for more information. I will post some before and after pics soon.

a few times in our lives we get the opportunity to bless someone, this one was one of those times. i look forward to seeing what God does next.

stay open and flexible for what God size opportunities will be there next.



eman back in icu

Saturday, July 26, 2008

please continue to pray for eman. he is back in icu as the doctors are considering another surgery. read here for the details.

Platano is KING here.

Friday, July 25, 2008

We have been spending a few days here in the DR relaxing and recharging our batteries. it's been really good to get away and hang with the family. we spent the first few days in Jarabacoa, a beautiful mountain area.

after a few days there, we traveled 3 hours to Puerto Plata, a beach front area similar to the the west coast of florida, only with mountains surrounding it.

we are now back in the city, santo domingo, before we head back home on Tuesday night. i will post several pictures for you to view soon.

One of the things that is extremely obvious here, is the people's love for the platano. in fact i think they have more way to cook the platano here than in any other country that i'm aware of. here are just a few ways the dominican cook their platanos:

1. Mangu
Boiled green plantains smashed with a little sprinkle of salt served with onions.

2. Mofongo
Green plantains fried and smashed with Garlic and pork rings.

3. Verde fritos
fried green plantains smashed and refried.

4. Maduro fritos
ripped fried plantains

Do you have other ways to cook platanos? I would love to know.

eman update

Friday, July 11, 2008

Eman has been placed in a regular room... praise God and took his first steps today. For those of you who are praying out there, thank you very much, you prayers are making a difference. for more accurate and up to the day information information, go to the alonso's blog.

My baby girls bday and thougts on time

God has always had His hand in my life and blessed me in so many ways. 2o years ago, on July 10th, He blessed me with a beautiful little girl named ashley... time sure goes by quick.

she is not a baby any more, but i still see her as such and wonder where have all the years gone?

This is Ashley with her husband Darwin. the blessings have continued however, not only has she blessed me with a great son in law, but also with a beautiful little boy; Darwin jr.

You know what, time goes by fast, really fast. before you know it, life has gone by and all we have left are the memories. So, make them count!

Solomon the wisest man who ever lived wrote this about time:

Ecclesiastes 3:1

For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven... (make yours count!my words)

Lord forgive me for all the wasted time I have misused. forgive me for not always being a good steward of this most precious resource. help me to embrace every minute of my day as if it were my last and make lasting memories with those who you put on my path here on earth. Thank you Lord for blessing me in so many ways.

How about you? does something drastic need to happen in your life to really recognize the value of your time? when was the last time you stop and enjoyed the air you were breathing? Appreciate what you have today, God has blessed you in many ways as well.

thank you ashley for being my daughter and for continuing to bless me with the next generation. I love you very much! Happy Birthday!


eman update

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Today eman went into surgery at around 8am central time. The surgery took a little more than 4 hours to complete. Doctors were very concern with his lungs due to the fact that for years they have been working with minimal blood flow going through them. as a result, they feared that the lungs would not be able to handle the new blood flow.

i'm grateful to report that eman is doing well in recovery. His lungs have responded well, and he is showing signs of improvement. additionally, the doctors removed scare tissue from his heart which reduced his heart size to about 50%. They were also able to drain 5 liters of fluid from his abdomen.

all this in laymens term is good news. I thank all of you for your prayers and ask that you would continue to lift eman and the rest of the family during this time.

eman told that when he got well, he was going let everyone know what God did for him. that he wanted to use this experince to bring hope to many people. God is so good!

thank you all for showering us with your prayers.



Eman update

Monday, July 7, 2008

Here's an update from Charity, my daughter-in-law, regarding eman.

Thanks for all your prayers,


The surgery will go until around 12:00, but we will know within the first 2 hours what things are going to look like.

Please keep Emmanuel in your heart and prayers tonight and tomorrow.

Emmanuel is doing well, he has his good friend Tucker White here with him, and they are having fun together.

The Whites and their church family have been just an unbelievable blessing to our family.

If anyone would like to send Emmanuel a card, he would be thrilled: Here is his address-

Darlingboy Bupeamie
619 19th Street South Room W542
Birmingham AL 35249

Happy Bday to the love of my life!

Today is my honey's bday. To date, we have celebrated 24 birthdays together, i'm thankful for each one of them. Enjoy your day today, you are as beautiful as ever. I love you dearly! Happy Birthday!


eman's surgery tuesday, july 8th

Sunday, July 6, 2008

eman's surgery is schedule for this coming tuesday. i want to ask all of you reading this post to take a couple of minutes and pray for him.
many people have gather together to lift eman in prayer. many have also committed to fast as well.

In case you don't know, eman is my oldest son adopted son from Liberia. he was given up for adoption by his father because he needed life saving heart surgery. this surgery was not available to them in their country. That surgery is going to happen in just a couple of days. God is so good!
you can find out more about his story by going to this site.

thank you all so much for your continued support.


Happy 4th of July to all!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Here's where we"ll be today. If you are in the area, stop by and pay us a visit. we are the group with the BUZZ!

Parade begins at 10:00 AM at the Doral Costa Office Park
(9800 NW 41 Street - HSBC Bldg.) and will travel west to NW 102nd Avenue,
then north to Doral Park, 5300 NW 102nd Avenue

J.C. Bermudez Park – 3000 NW 87th Avenue
5:00 – 8:30 PM
• Rides • Games
• Food & Beverages
• Face Painting
• Balloon Artists
• Entertainment

Fireworks and Laser Light Show
9:00 PM
Don’t forget to bring your picnic blanket and chairs.

Carlos Oliva and the Judge’s Nephews
(Carlos Oliva y Los Sobrinos Del Juez)
Dear Dad, Yours Truly

We will be having cafe Pilon, snow cones, popcorn, glow in the dark necklaces and our very own Jazz Trio. Lot's of things to too! I look forward to seeing you all there!

This Summer at FRC Doral

Friday, June 27, 2008

Mark these dates:

There is nothing more important to the church than reaching out to the community it serves. Here a several opportunities for you to do just that. Don't hold back this summer, get involve and meet the people who make up FRC Doral. These are some of last year's pics... check them out.

July 4th City of Doral's Celebration and Parade
7/11-7/13 Garcia's "Building towards your God-Potential project
8/16 Ronald Reagan Senior HS Back-to-school Barbecue

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Are you in? Make your comment(s) and let me know.

jacob turns 17! Happy B-day!

Love you lots... dad

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On Wednesday night we kicked off our first official First Impressions meeting. We had a great time discussing the importance of making the First Impressions ministry a top priority. We had 26 people attend, of which 17 committed to serving in one of the First Impressions ministry for the coming ministry year. I'm excited to get a chance to serve alongside you all as we look forward to seeing God bring us more people.

We also had a lot of fun too. These folks in the picture took me up on the challenge of creating a design out of chewing gum that embodied one of each of the six FRC Ethos. We put together 6 teams of 4 for this effort and gave them 7 minutes to create their sculpture. All four participants were able to chew gum, but only one was able to handle the gum a be the "artist". Some of the artist, names will not be revealed, had to use gloves… not sure why.

The judges, made up of Grecy, Silvia, and myself, voted on the winner. And the winner is: "Thinking"!

Check out the pics and let me know what you think.

FRC Doral— Building towards Our GOD Potential

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Garcia Family
Jourguen, Elaine, Maria, Jourguen Jr., A.J. and Christine
The Garcia family was blessed with a 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath house. This house was given to them by Elaine’s late grandmother. Though it was a blessing, it came with a tax debt and need of major repairs. During the past years, the family has tried to make the house more livable by doing some repairs. Due to lack of financial resource, they have had to leave many things undone. There is still much to be done in order to make this house a home for the Garcia family. You can make a difference in their lives by getting involved and building towards your God-Potential. There are several ways to get involved. We have listed them below. The total cost for this project is $8,000. Please prayerfully consider how you can show God’s love to the Garcia family.

Project breakdown:

Drywall $1,000
Paint $500
Kitchen $2,500
Bathrooms $2,000
Flooring $1,000
Doors & Misc. $1,000

If you or your company would like to give to this project, please make your tax deductible check payable to Flamingo Road Church— FRC Doral project.

Mark your calendar:
Sweat Equity Days
Friday, July 11—6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Saturday, July 12—8:00 am—7::00 pm
Sunday ,, July 13— 2:00 pm— 6:00 pm

Project Coordinators:
Peter & Mirna Melo

Construction Manager:
Pastor Derwin Brigham

alonso update

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We have been really busy for the last couple weeks. They say a picture speak louder than words. If that is true, here are some pics for your viewing pleasure.

On Sunday, June 8th, my dad celebrated his 80th B-day. We did a surprise party for him. He really enjoyed having all the family together. I love that man!

Then on Monday, June 9th we left to visit my son in North Carolina. Drove all night, non-stop. Eman is scheduled for surgery at The University of Alabama Hospital. Read more details here. You will also be able to view the Baptism video. I was able to baptize Eman on this trip. God is always sooo good!

Enjoy the pics!

Coming August 12-15 to Doral... EXTREME WEEK!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Are you feeling Moody? New "Moods" series starts this weekend!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Moods Promo from Flamingo Road Church on Vimeo.

Pray for Eman

Monday, June 2, 2008

The young man here in this picture is my Grandson Emmanuel. We call him Eman for short. My son, Igor and his wife, Charity, adopted him from Liberia in November of last year. They knew God had put Eman in their lives for him to have a chance at life. Eman was born with a heart condition. He is one of 11 children living in a remote area in Liberia. His Father knew this was his only hope.

Basically, his only chance to live was to come to the United States. My son and daughter in law adopted him knowing what this may mean, and they did it anyways.

Right now Eman is at the Duke University Hospital in the ICU. He had a procedure today and will be in the hospital for 2 weeks. After the two weeks, the Doctors will attempt to repair a heart valve. According to what the Doctors are saying, the procedure has a 20-30% chance of success.

If this does not work, the last resort for Eman is to go on the heart transplant list. I hate the sound of that! I spoke to my son today and pray for him. He was shaken and in tears, and even though they have known this may be the course, it is still so hard to deal with.

If you are reading this post, please stop right now and pray for Eman and the family. I know God has a perfect plan and no matter what happens, He will use this experience for His greater good. Thank you so much!

For more updates, check out there blog

FRC Doral Volunteer Appreciation 08

Friday, May 30, 2008

Last year we started a tradition at FRC Doral on Memorial day, it was to say thank you to all of you who serve so faithfully. I was encouraged to see so many of you come out with your families to participate. The competition was tough but ultimately, a new team was crowned for beating out all the other teams. Congratulations to the red team and all of the other teams who participated. But most importantly, we all had a great time together as we gave thanks to God for all that He has done.

Check out some of these pics and enjoy.

By the way, that Paella was incredible!

Thank you all once again for serving as you do and for was giving God your very best week after week! This year we had over 50 adults and about 20 kids, I know God will continue to bring us more people as we remain faithful to reaching this community for Him.

A day in Doral... Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

On Wednesdays I normally try and stay in the Doral area all day. I try to make all my meetings here locally around the city. It does not always work out that way, but yesterday it did. The slides represent some of things I was able to be involved... pretty cool.

1. I was invited to the unveiling of the Bison Mascot presentation. While there I was able to speak to the Mayor of the City of the Doral, J.C. Bermudez and our very own Doug Rodriguez, principal of the Year about doing a Podcast. They both agreed! This may be the first time we have a non-pastor/church person share on our podcast.

2. Hermes and Alicia Soto are pastors from Cuba. Hermes has been a pastor at the same church for over 30 years... Iglesia Bautista McCall in Santo Suarez, Cuba. He is also the president of the Baptist Seminary in Havana. He shared with me that the enrollment at the seminary went from 70 students five years ago to 490. That's impressive! This was accomplished by setting up regional locations where students can take the first two years under the direction of local pastors. God is doing a great thing in the island of Cuba! Pastor Hermes is one of by distance mentors in the faith. He is an inspiration to me of a man who is totally committed to the calling God has given him.

3. Doug Rodriguez was named Miami-Dade Principal of the year last week. I had the unique privilege to sit on the team who recommended him in front of the special board from Miami-Dade Public Schools. More importantly, Doug has been such a great supporter of the church, even before we began to meet at the school almost two years ago. I am very grateful to Doug for giving FRC the opportunity to meet here. I'm also very proud that I get to observe and learn from his example. Congratulations on a great job! In this picture, Doug received the City of Doral Proclamation presented by the Mayor and the City Council.

4. Last night we had our second Small Group Couples meetings. We had 8 couples who where able to laugh, learn and share what having expectations does to there marriage relationship. God is really working in this group. Several of the couple have only been attending the campus for just a couple of weeks or months. I look forward to see what God does in the next four weeks.

What does doing life together means to the community we serve? Are you comfortable just around a group of Christians? Are you willing to step out in faith and represent God in public places? The longer we are Christians the harder this is to do. How do you overcome this tendency in your life?

What's new at FRC Doral

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I hope you don't miss the the delicious Popcorn and Snow Cones we are now serving at the campus. Through June we will be serving both as we raise funds to send our student and children ministries to camp this summer.

I hope you take the time and meet some of the awesome students and their leaders who are making this effort.

Tell them pastor Igor sent you!

Mastering the five levels of influence

Last night several leaders from the Doral campus finished a book study on the book Launching A Leadership Revolution. The consensus was this book is perhaps one of the best books on the subject of leadership we had all encountered. We were all challenged, stretched, and confronted about where we are right now as leaders. Not just that, we also had to take a hard look at how we move from where we are to where we need to be or should be.

Our group felt they needed to go beyond what they were doing and come up with ways to implement what they had learned. As a result, we came up with several projects to pursue in the course of the next year. Here's a short list of what we came up:

1. Start a campus in Bogota, Colombia.
2. Partner with a local health care clinic to provide medical care to those who can't afford it.
3. Have a ministry fair at the campus to help people engage in service opportunities.
4. Partner with leaders in the church to mentor each other.

I congratulate all the participants for their commitment to come to the book study every week for the last 10 weeks. You guys have all taught me the value not quitting. Thank you for making these weeks all worth while.

Before I go, here's a quick review of the five levels of influence.

The cycle

1. Being a learner
2. Being a performer
3. Leading
4. Developing leaders
5. Developing leaders who develop leaders

We are all somewhere between 1 and 5. Most people never make it above level 3. Some make it to level 4, only a few make it to level 5. If you desire is to make it to the top level you are going to have to have a passion, work hard, be willing to bring people who are better than you for the ride, and stay the course.

Where are you on this journey? Do you have what it takes to stay the course? Do you have the passion? Are you willing to hire people better than yourself? What is keeping you?

Friday, May 9, 2008

It Matters/Cinco de Mayo Celebration

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

This week at the Doral campus we are having a huge kick-off to our new series... It Matters. We will be starting this 5 week series with a Mexican style celebration. Bring your family and friends to attend service and then stay with us after service for a great time together.

As we kick off this series I just want you to how important you are to God. You are the only one like you in the history of the world. some may come close in physical looks, but no two are exactly alike. You are unique, and as a result, you matter to God and to our church. Likewise, those people you come in touch with each day, your co-workers, family and friends, also matter to God. That is why our vision is so important to reaching those in our sphere of influence. Chances are that you are here at FRC Doral because someone invited you. Do the same for those you do life with and watch God change their lives forever. We all matter to God!

Come ready this weekend to see God do some great things. Bring a Mexican dish and come early.

I look forward to seeing you all with us,

Pastor Igor.

igor alonso…
culture, christ, cafe con leche
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